Brand and Model: 12" Alpine Type R 1242d (2 of them)
Price paid and from where: $270 for both subs, amp, AND box...installed myself
Pros: LOUD bass, clean sounding if tuned right in the right box and powered right, look nice, i love the rigid surround, KEVLAR CONE...bulletproof'd ftmfw
Cons: Doesnt play the higher bass notes too well, lower notes are great. My trunk and spoiler shake so much, it sounds HORRIBLE on the outside
Final Verdict: I have never regretted buying these, my friends love them, they like the back massage. Constantly get complimented.
Brand and model: Hifonics BXI 1606d 1600 watts RMS @1 ohm
Price paid and from where: $175 shipped from ebay
Pros: BIG output, cool blue hifonics logo lights up when on, runs extremely cool, doesn't even get warm and won't hesitate to play loud for a 4 hour trip, low price
Cons: Supposedly these amps are a tad over rated, but even with that it powers the Type R's perfectly.
Final verdict: big power for an exceptionally low price
Brand and model: Unknown prefab dual slot ported 4 cubic foot
Price paid and from where: about $98 from a local auction in the arena in my area
Pros: so much better than my old, small sealed box
Cons: Didn't get any specs on it (port length, what its tuned to, or the actual volume (4 is a guesstimate)
Final verdict: for $100, I can't complain
Brand and model: Wal-Mart Brand VR3 Head Unit
Price paid and from where: $96 from Wal-Mart
Pros: Nice blue go, that i matched my LED's to, Auxillary hook up, USB port, SD card slot, AM/FM/CD/MP3CD capable
Cons: CD player shat out on me a few months ago, but I just use my iPod, Cheaply made, lots of show, but not too much go. (RICER cd player haha)
Final Verdict: Ive had this for over 2 years, bought for my original first car, and then my actual first car, and has only let me down once when the CD player stopped working, but it comes back every once in a while.
SUBS AMP AND BOX FOR SALE. PM for price and such, sorry to say they are for sale here, but hey why not