GOD Vs. Science


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2007
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long island, NY
I'm with 5spdcoupe on this. Although I'm muslim and a firm believer in god, all the student really did was use the professor's wording against him that's all. Just because at the moment none of the 5 senses could tell if the professor had a brain or not, doesn't mean that it can't be proven. It can be proven by X-rays and what not. However, even though the 5 senses can't tell if God exists, neither can any other tests.

I was surprised that the student had the guts to stand up against his professor in such a sophisticated matter. That kid is intelligent.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2007
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First off, AMEN! Again, mad props for finding and posting this.

Second, I don't think the students point was to necessarily prove the existence of God, as that's basically impossible. That's the nature of faith. I believe his point was to expose flaws in the professor's attempt to expose flaws in Christian belief. The professor argued on the side of concepts (good vs. evil, see-touch-hear-feel-taste vs. faith, etc) and how God doesn't fit with these concepts. Using that same standpoint, the student argues how certain concepts that we do understand (cold and darkness) also don't fit with these concepts. This is all just to point out that this is not a basis for saying God doesn't or can't exist.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2007
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Long Beach
Good read, the professor is just trying to trip up the students with some basic logistics although fallacious it will still get students that are not that religious or have not thought about the matter much.

The concept of a supreme being known as God is quite interesting, a bunh of questions come up, that hope to enlighten us but I don't think we will ever have a grasp of it, its just beyond us.
Questions like:
If god is all knowing and all powerful do we have free will?
Can god make a boulder that even he can not lift?
Is it possible to change the past? why?
Why is there so much suffering, what is the purpose of a bird in a burning forest slowly dying from smoke inhalation or some burns when no one is there to see it?

The usual problem atheists that take up this point of view run into is their arrogance, the think they can somehow use our logic to show us that god can be dismissed by the means that we use to define him. When in actuallality God is beyond our undersanding and always will be. We're too ignorant to understand the reasons why God does what God does.


Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2005
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I think it was more of a way to get students to think and use a more creative thought process. The whole issue with God and what not was just the professor's way of going about it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
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honestly, im not good at pointing things out here and there and this is why and blah blah, i probably wont be able to give religious answer to whatever questions asked........

but this is what i think......

God can be all knowing, all powerful, He can be everything/whatever the bible says...somethings are beyond human's imaginations, o well i guess.........what truly matters to me, is that, He is the answer to my sins..He sent His only son Jesus to save me. Jesus lived to die for me.

that's the reason why i live for Him. i believe that matters the most.

its kinda like....when we were kid, say we were home alone without parents. while they were gone, we dropped a expensive china collection on the floor. we'll be thinking, oh shoot, im in trouble.....oh shoot....what do i do now?

but when parents come, and said, "its ok, dont worry....are you hurt?", then how would we feel? what would we say? i think id say im sorry, or thank you for forgiving me....

hope you all know what im saying....just woke up, and i need to go get ready for work now..:D


Mar 9, 2006
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Hehe. This is good stuff. An apologetics teacher and my pastor taught me this, so I'm fully aware about what you just posted! It's ONE of the many refutes against atheism. Major props for posting this. Everyone should read this.

WhiteAccord.. you.. Christian?

Nope... Catholic.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2007
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Tee Dot Ohh
Great post, and thank you for sharing it with us. I think Christians and non-Christians could learn from it, and hopefully it peaks interest in learning more about the Christian faith.

The professors' standpoint was limited from the get go, and shows the limits of science itself, it's all based on what can be obtained through the 5 senses. That is a limitation in itself, so how could there possibly be an argument about the existence of God, who is limitless/boundless and Creator of all things. The human mind is finite and we are going debate on the existence of God who is infinite....? That's a no-win situation for non-believers/scientists.

I have read on many different Forums, and the debate is always the same, I think the best discussion to date is the one on acurazine, and for both sides(Christians/non-Christians), that discussion is a very good example of how important it is to know your facts.

It will always be an ongoing debate, until the end of time, but I certainly can appreciate the various viewpoints on the subject, it keeps me honest.

As a Christian, I want to know what non-believers/scientists are saying, I need to know about what their argument is based on, so that when I am refuting points they are bringing up, I have MY facts straight to support my argument.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2007
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Ah nextome your post reminds me of a question I always had. I'm a sikh and I know very little about the christian faith and have always been puzzled when christians say jesus came to earth and died for your sins... I always thought it was because at the time the jewish people killed him for claiming to be the son of God and they didn't believe it??

If someone could clear that up for me it would be great, I've always been confused about this and never really had a proper opportunity to ask lol


nadeshiko fobz ftw..
Sep 19, 2005
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the student is using the prof's words against himself.... 5spdcoupe caught tht tho :thumbsup:

i'm a christian, but have not gone to church in 6 years :hide: i believe/ practice god's teachings, but i do not like showing off my religion in any way :redface2:


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
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Ah nextome your post reminds me of a question I always had. I'm a sikh and I know very little about the christian faith and have always been puzzled when christians say jesus came to earth and died for your sins... I always thought it was because at the time the jewish people killed him for claiming to be the son of God and they didn't believe it??

If someone could clear that up for me it would be great, I've always been confused about this and never really had a proper opportunity to ask lol

whats sikh? :thinking:
sorry if its something obvious but im just not getting it....

ill try my best with everything ive learned/read from bible/church and what not.

when God created adam and eve, He had put them in garden of eden along with fruit of knowledge of good and evil. adam and eve were not supposed to eat that, but they did and did not repent. this has brought them death upon their soul; no more intimate relationship with God. but God loved them so much, and taught them a way of giving burnt offering to cleanse their sin before God. this burnt offering was the only way to cleanse your sin back in the days (aka old testament in bible). ten commandment, all the other rituals and what not all belong in old testament.

but because God has loved us so much, He has sent His only son, Jesus, to repay all of our sin upon cross for all of us "all at once": as a substitute....for a lamb that used to given as a burnt offering back in the days.

so in simpler words, God has made a rule like "you commit sin, the cost is death". He doesnt want us to die (be apart from Him eternally), so He Himself came down to pay for the sins we have commited.

well..i tried..LOL there can be grammar error and such and whatnot....i mean dont quote on me everything i said...:D
there are always pplz know/can explain better than me....