im back, and continuing the saga of the turbo coupe clutch melter...


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
and tomorrow - you will!!

i decided to skip using a filter on this setup alltogether. since the super 60 from garrett doesnt have a built in filter adapter, i have a bolt on piece. what i did, was went to pep boys, and bought an edelbrock filter element replacement, which is basically glorified foam. i cut a circle to cover the whole, with about an inch extra around so i could use a clamp to hold it in place. thats when i realized, i needed an inlet for my catch can recirculation, so i drilled into the flange, and fitted a little nipple on there for the hose. its super stealthy, and should look really neat when all inserted. im curious to see how the filter holds up, and have made sure its on super tight so it wont get sucked into the turbo, but i can imagine that it wont be sucking up so much air that id be in any danger.

i finnished polishing the wastegate. kinda half assed the housing, but the actual spring housing is nice and shiny. ill have that and the dump in tomorrow. most likely, ill be finnishing up the wiring in the afternoon (cluster LED's) since i got lazy tonight lol. ill also begin building my sub box, which, if im really smart with, i can make using just my old trunk panel, which would be... AMAZING!

other than that, as soon as interior stuff is back installed and wired, ill be able to test out my wiring.

my plan is to start by testing fans
then headlights
then interior lights
then turn my fuel kill switch off, and see if its working
then turn it on and make sure its working LOL
then, start her up!

ill most likely get some more oil and coolant to top off the car with, just cause i have no clue what shape its in, and i know my oil is low...

ill also need some gas, and then i should be good to go and let the car idle a little, and then test the clutch out. since my main issue was not being able to get the car into gear cause the master cyl wasnt holding enough pressure, ill make sure that with the clutch depressed, if my idle will be effected by putting the car into gear... if all goes to plan, ill hopefully get it out for a quick spin tomorrow night...

the thought is kinda scary, since i have no idea what, if anything, will work or not work... but im very positive that i really checked and double checked all my work this time, and will be really upset if i made a stupid mistake along the line. with so much wiring changed, and so many things relocated, im worried there is something awry in there, but at the same time... its not like i rewired anyhting important, so at worst, ill ahve no headlights or no AC LOL...

so yea, pics tomorrow!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2008
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sounds good man...cant wait to see it.
that super60 is there pretty much no lag? or does it have a nice spike of power at a certain RPM?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
welll... yestreday was a terrible day.

i get a call at 12 sayin my grandma in england had a stroke and died.

went outside to blow off steam and work on the whip... it had been towed... by my own appt complex.

200 dollars, and a day later, i get it back, but a dumb office bitch refused to let the truck thru the gate. so i had to get it towed to a freakin kroger parking lot. i went home to get tools, and drinks, came back, worked from like 10am - 12.30 and got it running, and driving. drove it back home, parked in the garage i had to rent for a month, just to store it for like 4 days til its registered and has new tags... such BS.

either way, car runs and sounds great. clutch is sooo easy to drive, and it purrrrssss!!

i finnished my new sub box, and some more odds and ends. im gonna get it hooked up and wired tonight, and get the final adjustments made to boost and a few other settings. then, hopefully, ill take it out on the road, round the corner to go pump in some gas, since i got... maybe 2 galons in there !!!

either way, i now have a lighted garage to work on it, since its raining, this works great. hopefully after takin it for a drive, ill get the alternator charged enough to be able to start the car on its own (how long should i drive it to get a decent charge built??)

anyway, so here are the sub box pics, ill have more later ;)















Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
Reaction score
Powder Springs, Ga
Sorry about what happened. Why did your apartment tow your car?
sub box looks good.

Quick thing on wood glue. Its adhesive not cohesive. It doesn't bond the best to its self. so you dont really need to overdo it with the glue. als titebond 2 is not the strongest stuff. It doesnt fully cure as much as titebond 1. Its what helps is stay waterprof. Not that it will matter because the subs have no high load on them, and you have plenty of tacks in there.

It must feel good being able to drive it again.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2005
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Atlanta, GA
it sure does feel good man... you got no idea. oh, and what you cant see, is there are screws holding parts together too, so its not just the nails and the glue!

but yea, i still cant legally roll around it the car, just cause of my tags, but man, as soon as i do... holy crap, ima be driving at any chance i get!!

i still cant get over how the clutch feels. its hard, and tricky to find the sweet spot, but man, the slip is good, and when it catches, thats it, your off!!

it feels so great to be able to get on the gas and not slip at all, and just not have to worry about the clutch heating up or needing a breakin. i did a fat burnout down the street my complex is off of today... it was wet, couldnt help it!! but it was still very very much needed!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
as promised -

more pics!!

i didnt get to the test drive yet, since i wanted to get all the stereo stuff done before i drive it around, and possibly damage stuff. anyway, the engine now has fresh oil/coolant, and the amps, and the subs, and most of the wiring, is DONE. its looking good, for a car with a stripped out rear end!

all i gotta do now is connect up a few things, test it all out tomorrow, and then she should be good to go. im very happy with the progress today, except the fact that the towing company broke my CF lip off the bumper... nothing catastrophic, but its going to need repair work before i drive it. ill get that done tomorrow in the am. anyways, heres the pics!!! ENJOY!
















Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
SW suburbs, MN
looks great! congrats on finally getting it really close to complete! the engine bay is amazing! completely jealous! and props for doing it yourself!

you'll have to let me know how that turbine looks after driving it around for a while being that it is all polished up, i've thought about doing that but kinda worried what it will look like after a while...

you gonna upholster the rear end or what are your plans for the trunk and the rear seat area? i've been running ideas through my head but never seen anybody do much with the rear end so you'll have to let me know on that!

looks awesome!

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