Nope, check the list on Page 28. Ashzero has 20. But after lookin at the list, that makes you 25 since mista jc claims 26 and left 25 open. So here's the updated list:
angelplus 001
dreman 002
du3ce 003
ryon527 004
hush 005
theaccordian 006
00accord4cyl 007
accordj30guy 008
dinzdale40 009
natzimus 010
hiperb0y 011
drey 012
nexTOme 013
pyaarawala 014
rman402 015
monkeyv6 016
Tek_Rice 017
Zero-Defect 018
bdeitemeyer 019
Ashzero 020
Turbocayenne 021
Damage2000 022
C_S_L 023
Fundillo 024
Dtownz Thrillah 025
mista jc 026