Speeding ticket


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2005
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Philadelphia, Pa
So yeah ,
It was last week, on my way to work, everyone seemed to be moving oh so slow. so then i start switching lanes speeding and what not i got to the top of this hill where in the distance i could see 2 ppl standing in the middle of the road , upon closer inspection i notice its the fuzz stopping traffic, im like ok so they direct me to puull over in the parking lot !! i knew it was for speeding, im wondering why the radar detector didnt go off, turns out that i forgot to plug it back in the night before.
So the popo asked me for my info i gave him it .he said i was going 63 in a 40 i was like damn . The ticket is 163.50. this is also my first speeding ticket. I'm not to concerned about the cost of the ticket but what scares me is how this will impact my insurance . i have pleaded not guilty and wrote a check for the full amount . i'm hopping there will be some lienency seeing as this is my first time getting caught . i hear ppl who say u can go to the judge and they offer u driving school and wipe away some if not ll of your points if its ur first offense. Also ive heard ppl say they got off completely aaftger going to trial and getting the officer to admit that the equipment was out of wack. i dunno. Do u guys have any ideas or thought on how i should go about handling this . any input will be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
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thats gay.

my speeding ticket was 14 over. somehow my insurance found out about and raised prices, and it wasn't supposed to go on record. and it was 175.

anyways, did you ask to see the radar when they pulled you over? if not then i would plead guilty. cuz they'll more than likely show up. something about getting paid to be in court i think.

white beauty

Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2007
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miami, FL
yeah man i got pulled over for going 58 in a 25, that really sucked, 350 dollar ticket, mandatory court date, i went to court got in front of the judge, told him that i was sorry, and some bull**** story of why i was speeding, made me pay the ticket, didnt give me the points, since it was my first offense, but made me take an 8 hour aggressive driving course, that sucked ***, but anyway, as long as u take the course ur insurance will not go up, in fact my insurance just went down 300 bucks, go figure lol


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2007
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Brandon, MS
I don't know about the PA laws, but here in MS you can go to driving school, then pay your ticket and it won't go against you on your record. i guess that means no "points" on your driver's license. I have done it before and my wife has done it before. I'm not sure how many times you are allowed to go to driving school though. I fear it is only once:skurred:
However my wife has a friend (a ditsy girl) that has had over 8 speeding tickets and claims to have been allowed to go to driving school more than once and has had several of the tickets thrown out. I do not know how she did it though because she is a total moron:dunce:
I think her grandmother has "old money" as we call it down here in the south. Basically that means that the family has been rich for a long time. Maybe she knows a judge or somethin.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
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i just paid for my speeding ticket and i pleaded for guilty, and also requested for traffic school. im planning to finish my traffic schol online, which is way easier/takes less time to finish up.

not to mention, some sites allows you to take tests as many times as you want till you pass.......(on top of that, you can open the test screen as a new window, look for answers within curriculum on the other window...LOL)


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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23 miles over.. that's considered reckless driving by law but don't worry since its your first just go to traffic school and you'll be fine.. insurance shouldn't go up:beer:

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