Recent content by Joe_Kokomo

  1. Joe_Kokomo

    ELItE1's 00 ACCORD COUPE!!(56KAE)(7-5-14 new pics)

    Re: ELItE1's 00 ACCORD COUPE!!(56KAE)NEW PICS I've seen it in person and heard it pop...very nice work! Such a sweet coupe!
  2. Joe_Kokomo

    What'd you do to your accord today?

    That is way cheaper. Cali's gas tax is high. $4.69 for 91oct (Conoco Phillips 76). I did pump 15 gallons tho, the light had come on.
  3. Joe_Kokomo

    What'd you do to your accord today?

    Gassed her up, OUCH!
  4. Joe_Kokomo

    Socal Summer Meet pics 9/22

    The cycle of VTEC's poppin in the tunnel was great. There were like 4 VTEC's at a time until we all made it thru. What funtastic sounds those were! lmao
  5. Joe_Kokomo

    Socal Summer Meet pics 9/22

    Friends, Food, Fun, and oh yeah 6thGens! Thanks all! We had a great time! Dakota's crashed out from running around the park
  6. Joe_Kokomo

    Socal Summer Meet September 2012!!

    Re: Socal Beach Meet September 2012!! There will be enough parking on Ocean Ave at the meters just north of the pier. Possibly might cost $2. Then we could caravan for food and photos. Just throwin it out there.
  7. Joe_Kokomo

    Socal Summer Meet September 2012!!

    Re: Socal Beach Meet September 2012!! I would like to do that run to Neptunes again. It's a nice ride along PCH. Juicebox set it up a couple of years ago with a great turn out. Meet up, caravan there from Santa Monica, chill, eat, caravan back. Just an idea, what ever you guys decide.
  8. Joe_Kokomo

    Socal Summer Meet September 2012!!

    Re: Socal Beach Meet September 2012!! I'm definately interested in a 6GA socal meet on what ever is decided. I enjoyed the PCH run from Santa Monica to Neptunes in Malibu we did a couple of years ago. Huntington was cool last year, but the PCH run was more fun.
  9. Joe_Kokomo

    June/July ROTM Winner! 99cfENVYv6

    Great Job Chris! Looks real clean! I had a '91 Camaro
  10. Joe_Kokomo

    Went to Track today. 56k idk

    cool vid, the guy walking the driver thru the lap seemed to know the track really well.
  11. Joe_Kokomo

    Went to Track today. 56k idk

    From the camera angle it looks more like a possible crash. Good thing it's only a spin out.
  12. Joe_Kokomo

    Went to Track today. 56k idk

    I race on an online simulator iracing has the Irwindale track and the late model NASCAR so I can practice anytime. I purchased this last week The track as of right now is closed. The Speedway filed Chapter 7, but the LA...
  13. Joe_Kokomo

    Went to Track today. 56k idk

    That's cool Mike, looks like you had a lot of fun on that course. I have to get ready for 20 laps in a late model NASCAR @ Irwindale Speedway.
  14. Joe_Kokomo

    Cali Accord Meet: 06.09.2012

    The decal is on the ride and ready to roll. I guess I will join up at our caravan meetup near the event since I'm coming from the 818. Anyone going to the pre-meet on Friday @ Racers Edge in Burbank? I will be there.
  15. Joe_Kokomo

    front lip question *LAST PAGE*

    I will update, hopefully my paint shop can fit me in this week. Fitmet is great. Pre drill holes are well placed. There are 2 brackets on the bottom to help support the mount. I will try use some black 3M VHB tape to secure the corners. IMO it blends into the bumper real nice and has that...