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  • Well I guess you just have to wait til tomorrow hopefully and then they can start you on Monday.
    So they still haven't told you yet??? Horrible. Well hopefully they won't leave you hanging too much longer.
    There is an engine bay pic of my car around, but in the pics, the bar is blue, it was painted with cheap paint, that has mostly flwked off, and that I cleaned up some, but some paint remover would get rid of the rest. The bar itself is in great shape, otherwise. Someone is supposed to buy it by Thurs/Fri, but I will let you know if that falls through. As for shipping, I am going down to the States on Saturday, so I would be shipping it out from the US, which I would do if you were buying it as well.
    You want to talk about key things....I still have all kinds of internals and suspension stuff to buy for the swap/build. I try and pick up certain things as they come up, because some items(as a package deal) don't come up often/at all. I've gotten the small things along the way as well though, when I am able, because if the price is right, I want to get it, and be done with it, especially since my car isn't even up and running.
    Hahahaha....Mikey, you should have hit me up from before, I posted it a couple of times.
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