ryan s
they dont think it
Re: Comparing a couple cars, input?

i'd hit up pavlo just to see what's up. the pics look they're from the summer, so it's probably been crashed and why it's still for sale. or he's been lowering the price consistently because all the platinum blondes want a white one
if you have unlimited carfax it would be worth it to get the VIN.
if you aren't paying for carfax reports, one trick i've done is just googling the VIN when dealers don't post the report (cause they have to pay like $30k a year to have all the carfax advertisements and to allow customers to view the reports)...i've found accidents not in listings, cars that have gone from state to state through auctions, previous dealership's carfaxes after selling/trading the car to the current dealer, even found a $15k car that had $11k in damage not a year earlier be listed without mentioning that little detail. the pics and listing were still active on one of those "EZ repariables" sites

the dealership is holding the title, the previous owner would not be allowed to even remove their license plates in some states if a bank still held the title. any issues were between the dealership and the previous owner, or the previous owner and their lender, before the keys and title were handed over. unless socal somehow fucks that up royally
now, private party listings with a lien i'd avoid.
classic lexus/toyota colors, nothing says "i'd rather be doing literally anything else other than driving right now" like a beige toyotaThen there’s this..Pavlo is hiding something. lawl:

i'd hit up pavlo just to see what's up. the pics look they're from the summer, so it's probably been crashed and why it's still for sale. or he's been lowering the price consistently because all the platinum blondes want a white one

if you aren't paying for carfax reports, one trick i've done is just googling the VIN when dealers don't post the report (cause they have to pay like $30k a year to have all the carfax advertisements and to allow customers to view the reports)...i've found accidents not in listings, cars that have gone from state to state through auctions, previous dealership's carfaxes after selling/trading the car to the current dealer, even found a $15k car that had $11k in damage not a year earlier be listed without mentioning that little detail. the pics and listing were still active on one of those "EZ repariables" sites

wotm8?I'd avoid the 1st one. Liens means someone owes the bank something and the title will not be handed to u until the lien is clear. Most of the time, the new owner takes over that responsibility.

the dealership is holding the title, the previous owner would not be allowed to even remove their license plates in some states if a bank still held the title. any issues were between the dealership and the previous owner, or the previous owner and their lender, before the keys and title were handed over. unless socal somehow fucks that up royally

now, private party listings with a lien i'd avoid.