I'll be getting mine replaced at a local shop in San Diego within the next 30days. I will be providing the shop the OEM parts. Here is the breakdown of the estimate I received for my 2002 Honda Accord 4cyl.
"Provided your timing-belt kit contains the following O.E. parts: Timing belt, Balancer-Shaft belt, Water Pump, Cam and or Crankshaft Seals, a Balancer Shaft Seal Retainer (a retrofit part that prevents the balancer shaft seal from popping out), Air Conditioner, Power Steering and Alternator Drive Belts and 1 gallon of coolant, the total labor to replace all would be: $382.50 and a hazmat/materials charge of $5.00 for a total of $387.50.
Being the second belt and assuming the cam and crankshaft seals were not replaced with the first belt, I would recommend replacing them. We do not charge additional labor to replace them and they run about $5 to $10.00 each."
and here is the list of OEM part # I will be providing:
- TIMING BELT (oem # 14400-PAA-A02)
- WATER PUMP (oem #19200-P0A-003)
- BALANCE SHAFT BELT (oem # 13405-PAA-A03)
- A/C COMPRESSOR BELT (oem # 38920-PAA-A01)
- P/S PUMP BELT (oem # 56992-PAA-A01)
- CAMSHAFT OIL SEAL (oem # 91213-PT0-003)
- CRANK OIL SEAL (oem # 91212-PAA-A01)
- BALANCE SHAFT OIL SEAL (oem # 91233-PT0-003)
- OIL DRIVE GEAR SEAL (oem # 15114-PT0-003)
-gallon of OEM honda coolant.
I have everything except the Balancer Shaft Seal Retainer (revised retrofit to keep seal from popping out). The part number listed is simply for the seal itself. Can anyone provide help on this? Thanks.
Edit: It looks like this. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_lVa0NulJnBY/SNgOPGzvwEI/AAAAAAAAAGs/AJ31jmX6Qj4/s1600-h/Photo012.jpg
Edit: 06923-POA-306 (unable to purchase)
Edit: I did a search of 06923 on majestic honda and found it. It's $2 and essential!
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