I'm back

slick rick

Active Member
May 21, 2006
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sorry it's been so long since i have posted on here. I finally have the net, but it's dial up for now. Lots of new things have happened in my life since i last posted. I got engaged, I had a kid, I got a 93 f150 XLT extended bed with a 5.8, I moved to Philly PA, and just general life.

I still work at AKER philadelphia shipyard and I'm doing great and haveing fun. Hell the other day i got to work on a 11,000 horse power motor on the tanker we're building. The timeing chain was loose so i had to take the side of the motor apart and tighten the chain with the tentioner. I got to get pictures of this monstor. The engine is an inline 6 with a massive turbo. This motor is a lot smaller then the one on the cargo ships we built before. But anyway I get to work on engines, generators, systems, and what ever else an enginer works with.

here's some pictures of where I work and what I build









Here's a few of my boy


I'll put pictures up of the truck later. If you have to move this post then it's ok. It's ment to be a general chat, but since i added pictures it might be in the wrong spot. Well gotta go.


nadeshiko fobz ftw..
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
congrats on the baby! :beer:

welcome back... u were MIA for a while... also, aren't u supposed to be a cook or something?

slick rick

Active Member
May 21, 2006
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Yes I use to be a chef. i left a 4 and a half star place and got this job back in april of 06. I'm an apprentice and training to be a shipbuilder. as an apprentice i get to work on everything. the last place i was in was the pipe shop.I put up coamings, foundations, electrical brackets, cable trays, hangers, worked on pipes, and things of that nature. Now i'm with the engineers.

I couldn't pass up this job. I'm getting $13.60 an hour now, but get a raise every 6 months. in 2 years i'll be close to or maxed out which is $23.20 an hour. then after 6 months i get multi skill pay and get raised to $24.20 then i have a chance to become a team leader or supervisor. I have to take some college courses which are paid for and i get paid while taking them and get out of work. I have full benifits. I also get off all holidays and get paid. We have a shut down at christmas and 4th of july for a week and also get paid while off. I have personal time and vacation time. Plus where else can you build huge tankers and cargo ships. This was a once in a lifetime chance and i took it. I get paid way better then my last job, medical is included, holidays off, vacations , and all the other goodies were too hard to pass up. I also have no prior knowledge or worked this kind of job. Now i have all my welding certs and can go anywhere.

I'll try and get pictures of the engine. This hing is about 3 stories high. and the turbo charger is taller than i am.I think the ship we just built is leaving today or tomorrow. I was suppose to be working on the diesel genrators today, but since the weather was so bad i got to go home.


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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slick rick said:
Yes I use to be a chef. i left a 4 and a half star place and got this job back in april of 06. I'm an apprentice and training to be a shipbuilder. as an apprentice i get to work on everything. the last place i was in was the pipe shop.I put up coamings, foundations, electrical brackets, cable trays, hangers, worked on pipes, and things of that nature. Now i'm with the engineers.

I couldn't pass up this job. I'm getting $13.60 an hour now, but get a raise every 6 months. in 2 years i'll be close to or maxed out which is $23.20 an hour. then after 6 months i get multi skill pay and get raised to $24.20 then i have a chance to become a team leader or supervisor. I have to take some college courses which are paid for and i get paid while taking them and get out of work. I have full benifits. I also get off all holidays and get paid. We have a shut down at christmas and 4th of july for a week and also get paid while off. I have personal time and vacation time. Plus where else can you build huge tankers and cargo ships. This was a once in a lifetime chance and i took it. I get paid way better then my last job, medical is included, holidays off, vacations , and all the other goodies were too hard to pass up. I also have no prior knowledge or worked this kind of job. Now i have all my welding certs and can go anywhere.

I'll try and get pictures of the engine. This hing is about 3 stories high. and the turbo charger is taller than i am.I think the ship we just built is leaving today or tomorrow. I was suppose to be working on the diesel genrators today, but since the weather was so bad i got to go home.

Thats crazy. Sounds like a great job. Now get a wrench in that kids hand instead of a beany baby! :p

Sketch o5

Señor Greengo
Sep 6, 2005
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based in: not shared
wow dude, that jobs sounds awesome, hook me up, i dont live far from philly! hahahaha, in fact, i could live there if i wanted to, haha. was the turbo kinda like this?


hahaha, i think thats off a sub.