The Orange Skittle
Welcome back man..Def has been awhile
Sketch o5 said:wow dude, that jobs sounds awesome, hook me up, i dont live far from philly! hahahaha, in fact, i could live there if i wanted to, haha. was the turbo kinda like this?
hahaha, i think thats off a sub.
Quicksilvercord said:Wanna get me a job there?
Twobit said:Welcome back buddy...alot has happened since you've been gone! I've seen that Aker place..it's insane, where exactly is it? I forget the location but I was gona try and take pictures of it one time, perhaps we could meet so you'd be able to show me around and get a sneek at some of the stuff if possible? I realise if it's a slight chance due to your positioning in the company now but hopefully something will show up somewhere.
So your title is apprentice welder I'd assume?