Let's talk side mirrors


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2010
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Middle America
Unless the mechanical parts inside of a PFM would interfere with the heating parts of a heated mirror, I dont see why this wouldnt work.

Im almost certain the heating element attaches to the backside of the glass, so, the rest of the mirror is the typical stuff used to move it up/down/left/right. [If Im wrong, by all means, someone correct me].

Im not sure how much space the parts inside a PFM take up BUT, Id assume that they either wouldnt interfere with the heating parts -OR- parts could be made to fit.

I know they're not the same, but as I mentioned earlier, Ive seen at least ONE 4Ger make heated PFMs out of one set of heated and one set of PFMs. I dont remember how they did it or cost but it worked. Ill have to look it up and see what I can find. Might shine some light into our current "project" of sorts.

So, basically, unless the parts that make the mirror fold, are big and clunky and take up that entire shell, I dont see why you couldnt hybrid the two.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2007
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Tee Dot Ohh
Why? Lol.

^I was going to ask that. But then was reminded I am totally lost on this entire subject. lol

You both remember I have explained this already right.......:squintwave:

The USDM mirrors are not designed the same as the JDM ones. The JDM ones are designed to power fold, USDM ones are not. You will burn out the motor trying to get USDM mirrors to power fold.

Not. Stating. This. Anymore.

4th Gen mirrors(TSX or Accord) may be designed differently than the 6th Gen mirrors, so having the PF function may be an option.


Save the manuals
Sep 5, 2008
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Fawking, OH
No I am not talking about converting USDM mirrors to anything, Once they were removed, nothing from them would be used. I know it is mandatory to start with PFM’s, and that the only way to get heating in them would be to swap mirrors with the Canadian heated mirrors. But, I am wondering A) if one could swap the heated mirrors (mirror only) from the Canadian to the PFM, or swap just the heating element even, and B) what PFM’s fit a USDM 6GA coupe. So far, it sounds like nothing is a direct swap, unless I missed something.

I think I am going to abandon this idea, at least until someone can verify what PFM's fit what cars, because I believe you have to start with the PFM, and add the heating element somehow.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2010
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Middle America
Sorry Derek. I think Chris and I both knew that, lol.

I wouldnt try to convert USDM mirrors to PFM; I would just find JDM mirrors or ones from another car.

Im with Chris and everything he said. We have to start with PFM and add the inner workings from a heated mirror. That's what I was talking about in my last post; starting with a PFM (be it JDM or other car) and add the heating bits from either a CDM 6G or other car. Ive seen aftermarket heating kits, so those may be cheaper. "Pay to play" applies there, though.

I just picked up b1l@l's heated CDM mirrors. They need paint so in the mean time, maybe i'll look at them as best I can without tearing them apart and, Derek, when you guys get those CF4 mirrors (or anyone with JDM PFMs) look at them.

We'll see how much room the PFM has and just how much room the heating stuff takes up. Chances are, and it may be a tight fit, but I think we can make heated PFM.

And Chris, dont give up just yet, lol. Ive got the CDMs on the way and Derek, or somebody, mentioned getting their hands on some JDM PFMs. We just need to collaborate and put our findings on the same page.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2007
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Tee Dot Ohh

I have the JDM mirrors and met up with Adam(twofast4u) last week at our EOY Dinner, but we didn't bother to test fit them with his car at the time.

SO, he and I are planning to reconnect at some point so he can check them out for fitment.

If Boy Wonder(Chris) comes on here at some point, he can also offer some insight in to the PFM 'phenomenon' since he has them on his Coupe. IIRC, he is using JDM TSX PFM's, but I am about to give him a call and confirm........ok, so Chris(Boy Wonder) has the CF4 mirrors, and the PFM + heated is possible, however, it requires some rewiring for the heated mirrors. What you can do, since you lose the heated mirror function with the PFM function, is run the heated mirror wire to the defrost button.

Also, you can just switch out the heated mirror to the JDM mirror.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2010
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Middle America
So we know CDMs are heated and WILL fit. Now we just need to find out if CF4 mirrors will fit our CGs or what other vehicle we can use. Im still trying to get an answer out of the Acurazine guys on TL/CL mirror dimensions. Im just short of measuring a strangers mirror in a parking lot, lol.

Derek, what are our thoughts on what Chris(RR) was saying about using the head from a PFM and the arm from a 6G(assuming me cant find a PFM that fits)? Do you think that would interfere with the PF function?


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2007
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Tee Dot Ohh
CF4 mirrors will fit the CG, Chris(BW) has a set on his car, that fold, but the heating function is not hooked up.

I don't know that it's worth the hassle to piece together the head/arm from the two different mirrors, rather than just swap the heated mirror in to the PDM and do the wiring suggestion that I posted from Chris(BW).

What I can do is take a look at the stock mirror and the CF4 mirror and see if there are noticeable differences in the arm of the mirror, it may be worth a shot, but I'm thinking it won't quite work out.

There are always CF4 mirrors on ebay, so they aren't that hard to come by.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2010
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Middle America
Meh. True. How about we add a third element and try to shoot for HPFM with tinted glass...? :naughty:

Just kidding, lol. So we've got CF4 PFMs, that fit, and CDM HMs that fit. Now we just need to actually make this happen, lol.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2008
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Thats great news. Do you know if he had to do any drilling? I dont mind losing my heated mirror function as i dont use them. Hopefully Chris comes out to the meet this week, so that we can further discuss this.


I have the JDM mirrors and met up with Adam(twofast4u) last week at our EOY Dinner, but we didn't bother to test fit them with his car at the time.

SO, he and I are planning to reconnect at some point so he can check them out for fitment.

If Boy Wonder(Chris) comes on here at some point, he can also offer some insight in to the PFM 'phenomenon' since he has them on his Coupe. IIRC, he is using JDM TSX PFM's, but I am about to give him a call and confirm........ok, so Chris(Boy Wonder) has the CF4 mirrors, and the PFM + heated is possible, however, it requires some rewiring for the heated mirrors. What you can do, since you lose the heated mirror function with the PFM function, is run the heated mirror wire to the defrost button.

Also, you can just switch out the heated mirror to the JDM mirror.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2007
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Tee Dot Ohh
IIRC, there is an issue with the three screws that hold the mirror on, you may be able to drill to get it to fit, but I would have to confirm with Chris.

Two of the screws line up fine, it's just one that doesn't line up.