i love the pic of the sky... but start playing around with photoshop.
IF you dont have photoshop, check out the post that i put in mexicman's thread in the photoshop section, that should get you started. if you need help PM me
if you always have to worry about steady hands, try a faster shutter speed and adjust the iso and fstops accordingly. OR you can just put everything on auto lol
Absolutely. After trying them out at a local shop, the 1.8 is built like a piece of crap. The 1.4 isn't perfect either (that's why it doesn't cost as much as a 1.2L or 1.0L), but its quality is much nicer and is a nice medium between the 1.8 and 1.2L.
i haz no photoshop and got the 50mm lens today, 1.8. indoor portraits aren't coming out well but then again, it has been only 24 hours since i really got into it
haha john just city lights can't really control that but i am trying real hard to get a gist of this. Also, these are pix straight out of the cam with no post processing. But thanks a lot! means a lot coming from you =)