This thread is funny. All this because of 2 broken allen bolts which I have replaced a total of less than 7 times in 5 years!! This is the funny thing about the internet, everyone gets rattled up for nothing, when no one knows the facts. My supplier for our hardware is the same place the big boys buy there hardware. What makes you guys experts on bolt quality or what bolt should be used when you know nothing of what is going on, or how many have even ever broken!!!?????
What facts does ANY of you have which proves to me this bolt has failed more than it should. Do you realize if it was a problem it takes a phone call for me to switch to another manufacturer for such a common allen bolt!! Let's be real here people, that's how easy it is. There isn't a problem with bolt quality, never has been. I am sorry you happen to break 2 of them, but it is not something to freak out about, and make it seem the world is ending and make people think that everyone and there mom has had this problem when they have not. If it was a problem I would have changed suppliers long ago. I keep track of everything, and as the person who builds these things I know how many of these we have replaced. All you guys are doing is making things far worse than it seems with no facts to prove anything other than causing drama on here for nothing and wasting everyones time. If you have a problem give me a call.
You guys are brining in **** that doesn't have anything to do with this. Do I have 100 percent feedback on YES!
Do I have any problems with a single customer on NO!! HAVE I SCAMMED ANYONE EVER!! NO!!!! Do I still have customers buying G20 coilovers YES!! I sold 2 sets this past week.

So what is the problem? The only problem I have is with the owner of that site being a douche bag. He got butt hurt cause I put him in his place, and also denied him a free set of coilovers cause I didn't want to deal with his dictatorish ***. The only problem here is guys that have nothing to do with this are jumping in and making accusations and assumptions with nothing to back it up.
Here is a good example. Just a week ago someone accused me on here for not shipping CanadianEh48 coilovers. Where is my apology? What happened? A few members started posting that I was lying, and etc..Well what proof did any of you have other than CanadianEh48 assuming that I didn't ship them!! Well I posted the receipt!! Guess what, CanadianEh48 not only knows he looks like an *** and jump to assumptions, but everyone else that went along with that b.s. looks like an *** too!! When I spoke the truth..I didn't have to go as far as scanning the receipt...but that is how far some of you have gone to try to tarnish my reputation for balony. You know I love being part of this board, but I didn't realize the amount of people on here that would act in this way. You guys are acting like lil kids pointing fingers, and whispering in eachother ears with rumors and slander with no basis. Even after I shipped them I refunded his money, and sold his set to someone else that would appreciate what I was trying to do. In the end he wanted his money back anyways, but he had no room to talk or accuse me of not shipping them..especially trying to convice other people I didn't which I know he clearly did by seeing other people post and make the same claim. So even if he didn't mean to or not he started a fire he didn't put out..and the only time it was put out is when I had to go as far as scanning the receipt!! That is sad.
Even after I hooked people up with our latest design free of charge...hooked up 2-3 people who paid for non adjustables.with adjustables..too only be **** on at the end for hooking you guys up, and doing this on my spare time to give you a discount. Remember I didn't ask, nor did I organize this groupbuy. It's funny it seems most our problems stem from hooking people up!! I won't ever do a groupbuy on here again since no one seems to appreciate the hardwork we put into these. I only did this to help you guys out, I didn't need the work..we have had a constant amount of work since day 1.
As for whoever brought up this F2 stuff. Here is the facts. I wanted to do more with my company and be more hands on. In 5 years we have become a full race shop, and have our own dampers. F2 continues to do the same thing since day 1. Import coilovers from overseas, they have changed suppliers more than twice..but they continue to sell and mass produce there product. Nothing wrong with that, just 2 different outcomes, and 2 different business plans. I wanted to make high end custom coilovers, they wanted to mass produce, and just stock them. Simple. No drama, nothing..just different ideas, goals, and different markets. I am the REAL DEAL! I own a shock dyno, corner weight scales, shop ain't warehouse space..we design and manufacturer our parts..we do it all. That is the difference, and why we parted ways. Nothing more, nothing less. They doing there thing, I am doing mine, and that's working on race cars to daily drivers, and being hands on.
If you shy away from our product because of this b.s. then you are very gullable. You can do all the research you want, but remember about 99 percent of the post and or drama are from people who have NEVER seen our touched our product. On top of that they don't have any facts.
Here is the simple facts, this bolt has been replaced a total of less than 7 times in 5 years! Am I freaked out about this, NO! Is there need to worry NO!! This is my business, my think I would ruin my reputation on 2 bolts or bad quality bolts! That I would ruin an entire design and product for 1 lil bolt!!!!!! GET REAL people..get out under that rock you crawled under. I am one of the hardest working guys you will ever know. I reward good customers, not cry babies. If anyone has a problem pick up the phone! Don't text me, don't e-mail me..pick up the phone and let me know. Moaning and groaning on here helps NO ONE. It's annoying when customers post online expecting people to help when the only person that can help is the manufacturer. I've been known to go above and beyond for our customers, but those are also customers who don't stab us in the back. Even when I am stabbed in the back I've been known to help customers out.
This customer stabbed me in the back. Claiming his coilovers were making noise when it wasn't the coilovers to begin with. I even inspected them, and had my tech remove the coilovers and install the factory shocks back on. He made a huge post online making us look bad, but atleast he had the balls to post online and apologize to the public for making false accusation unlike CanadianEh48.
Here is the post, check it out yourself.
So even when I was telling them nothing was wrong they made that post which I didn't find out till after I had already found the noise for them. It was not only till a customer of mine saw this post that I was informed, and it was that post that made his decision to buy coilovers from us. If your freaking out because of 2 bolts which again we have only replaced a few times..then you better start giving the other manufacturers a hard time because there failures are far far more worse than this. The fact is my product is superior in every way, and if you want to start comparing my stuff with the other brands then you better start diggin cause you will find worse things with these other brands which are far more serious than 2 broken allen bolts. Ohh noooo!! 2 bolts failed...end of the world...NOT!! My dampers have never blown in 5 years! Not a single company that makes coilovers can say that!! NO ONE!! Especially anyone that has been doing this for atleast 5 years! Keep making a big deal out of nothing..waste your time. Still got enough parts to make a few more sets! I'm done with this thread, I got work to do. Enjoy your weekend.