See this is exactly why I didn't want this thread started in the first place. Here are all of these people deciding where CanAm is going to be, that are not even organizing it.
Now I'm shutting this **** down. I/we (coordinators) will create a new thread when we (coordinators) decide where the meet will be held and the date we (coordinators) pick to have it.
Sound good? Good. This is not a CanAmocracy.
ADDITIONALLY.....just so everyone knows, the moderators are the people with the colored usernames that are NOT teal or navy blue and have the ability to ban people and give infractions. If you should happen to see someone breaking one/some or all of the rules, please use the REPORT button and let the staff know so we can handle it. You do not have the right to take the law into your own hands. If you do, you'll get a warning/infraction like Mr. 001_Stunna just found out.