Small update, we have had a lot of snow here recently and these are holding up very well. A lot of people entered and left the car the past couple of weeks with snow covered boots and such, the interior of my car would surely be destroyed without them. I do have to empty the liners every week or so because of the non-stop slush adding up, but I get away with just throwing paper towel over it to absorb the water.
We are supposed to be getting warmer weather this upcoming Saturday so I was thinking I would take them out and measure the exact volume of water the liner can hold. I have a feeling that the driver side mat will hold the least amount of water because of the hole that goes over the hook. Although it is raised some, it is still smaller than other parts of the lip, but other than that I have no issues
*Edit* I also just saw GotExhaust is having a very good sale on these, just thought I should put that out there, they posted in the supporting vendors section