I <3 JDM.. got pulled over


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2008
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Damn asshole cops... I had something similar to this happen to me but they weren't as nice.... Me an 2 friends had just made an early morning Jack in the Box run (sadly it closes at 1am mon-wed, and it was 2:15) and on our way home we came to a stop sign. like 30ft infront of me an unmarked cop car pulled up facing he other way. So i was like "cop, ok.." and i actually counted to 3 mississippi out loud in my car..lol. So after that i started to go down the street and when i was about 200ft away from the cop he wiped a u-turn and came up on me as fast as he could (btw this is in a neighborhood, all his lights were off, and i was 2 blocks from my friends house that i was spending the night at) So he flips on his lights and i pull over. a cop comes up to both sides of my car and the one on the left(cop a) asks for drivers license etc., while the guy on the right(cop b) asks what were doing. I say were on our way home and he responds by saying "Bullsh*t, what are you guys doing?"... i was still thinking wtf just happened when my friend in the back seat stupidly responds by saying "Oh, were looking to see how many cops we can find"...so as soon as my friend says this cop a pulls me out of the car and pats me down/takes everything out of my pockets, then sitting me down on the curb. Cop b then takes both my friends out and does the same.... mean while we still don't know why we got pulled over. 1 1/2 hours later after he searched every corner of my car including my glove box, locked trunk with out my consent and we still don't know why i got pulled over. It's now almost 4 and cop b finally calls my friend up and says "here's your ticket, now sign in and we'll see you in court", and my friend was like for what???? He said for being out past curfew and the he angrily told my friend to "sign the ****ing ticket and go sit down". So he did so and now it was my turn. So i asked what ticket was for and cop a responded by saying for running the stop sign... and i was like...?????????? are you serious, you even saw me stop. And he said no, he watched me role through it and I responded by saying ya, while i was accelerating after I stopped. So he told me just to sign the ticket and get out of here, and that he'll see me in court so i did. Right after i signed it and was walking away i said i'll see you in court and i'm bringing my frying pan cause i'm having bacon for dinner...... not the best thing to say to corrupt cops who don't have a dash camera but i was pissed... i've been sitting on the curb in 50 degree weather for 1 hr and 1/2 and i was in shorts and a t-shirt..

i think my reply is almost as your main post..lol


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2008
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San Diego
Damn asshole cops... I had something similar to this happen to me but they weren't as nice.... Me an 2 friends had just made an early morning Jack in the Box run (sadly it closes at 1am mon-wed, and it was 2:15) and on our way home we came to a stop sign. like 30ft infront of me an unmarked cop car pulled up facing he other way. So i was like "cop, ok.." and i actually counted to 3 mississippi out loud in my car..lol. So after that i started to go down the street and when i was about 200ft away from the cop he wiped a u-turn and came up on me as fast as he could (btw this is in a neighborhood, all his lights were off, and i was 2 blocks from my friends house that i was spending the night at) So he flips on his lights and i pull over. a cop comes up to both sides of my car and the one on the left(cop a) asks for drivers license etc., while the guy on the right(cop b) asks what were doing. I say were on our way home and he responds by saying "Bullsh*t, what are you guys doing?"... i was still thinking wtf just happened when my friend in the back seat stupidly responds by saying "Oh, were looking to see how many cops we can find"...so as soon as my friend says this cop a pulls me out of the car and pats me down/takes everything out of my pockets, then sitting me down on the curb. Cop b then takes both my friends out and does the same.... mean while we still don't know why we got pulled over. 1 1/2 hours later after he searched every corner of my car including my glove box, locked trunk with out my consent and we still don't know why i got pulled over. It's now almost 4 and cop b finally calls my friend up and says "here's your ticket, now sign in and we'll see you in court", and my friend was like for what???? He said for being out past curfew and the he angrily told my friend to "sign the ****ing ticket and go sit down". So he did so and now it was my turn. So i asked what ticket was for and cop a responded by saying for running the stop sign... and i was like...?????????? are you serious, you even saw me stop. And he said no, he watched me role through it and I responded by saying ya, while i was accelerating after I stopped. So he told me just to sign the ticket and get out of here, and that he'll see me in court so i did. Right after i signed it and was walking away i said i'll see you in court and i'm bringing my frying pan cause i'm having bacon for dinner...... not the best thing to say to corrupt cops who don't have a dash camera but i was pissed... i've been sitting on the curb in 50 degree weather for 1 hr and 1/2 and i was in shorts and a t-shirt..

i think my reply is almost as your main post..lol

ahhhh bs cops...:nutkick:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2008
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I've been having so much bad luck lately. Just got pulled over again yesterday. I was going to my girls school cause she needed to drop something off. A motorcycle cop follows me for about 2 stop signs then finally decided to turn on his lights and pull me over.
So he comes up and ask me for my license. He doesn't tell me why he pulled me over. I asked if he needed my insurance and he said no. Then he does his thing or whatever and wants to look under my hood. I didn't care cause I knew i had nothing to worry about. So he takes a look around and says my AEM intake is illegal. I told him It has the EO carb sticker and the officer who pulled me over before told me that's legal if it has the sticker. He says, " I don't think that's how it works."
Right then I got frustrated and just went to go sit down. This other officer pulls up and also takes a look and hes holding this pamphlet thing with i guess all the regulations. They took like 10 minutes inspecting my "JDM" motor. He was so sure it was. He asked me if it was my original motor. I said yes its stock. As the other officer B (which is the one who came after) said that my motor is good. And I hear them talking saying he's gonna give me a ticket for the intake. I told him that it was legal and then he takes out the camera and start taking photos. Officer B then steps to the side and told him it is legal as long as it has the EO number and whatever. Officer A who is really wanting to give me a ticket looked around some more and asks me, what are those box things all over my engine compartment. I say its my ballast for my HIDs. He asks me what are HIDs. I said its for my lighting. Then he asks me if I have underlighting I said no. Its my driving lights.
Then Officer A saw that I had a crankcase filter and saw where the hose which was suppose to connect to the crankcase was not connected. The hose is attached to the intake. So he gave me a ticket for that. " vc 27156(b) modified emission" and thats all he wrote. He said it was a fix it ticket. So as he was writing the ticket he jokes around with the other cop saying stuff like, did you like my quick chase. I was thinking like wow are you serious.. like i tried to run from you or something.
Then as officer B was sniffing around my engine compartment looking for more things that they can write me down for but he didnt. He walks to the Officer A and says I think hes too low do you want to write him up for that too? Officer A says no. Sigh. They joke around some more but whatever.
I just needed to vent and let some things that were on my mind out.
Now i cant drive my car until i see the state ref. This really sucks.
I dont have a car and its hard to get around.
He still never told me why I was being stop. HE took pictures of the intake but I dont think he did for the crankcase filter.
Dont get me wrong. I love cops and appreciate what they do. But when i hear they joke around about stuff and make me look like im such a bad person, thats not cool. stereotyping is not cool either.
So no more JDM stickers for me.

i know its long and for those who read all this. Thanks for taking your time to hear me out.

eff the popo....no fereals though.... i also do appreciate what they do for all of us.. but when they go through all the trouble just to give a fix it ticket and ish like that..... and pull over the nice lookng cars... why dont they just appreciate that drivers like us just love our cars and all.... IDK... it just grinds my gears... THEY should be pullin over the beater cars that really create alll that smog crap..... its not OUr FAULT that calis pretty much a toxic area.... inhabited by wayyy too many ppl.... and FU@#$# TRAFFIC

lol sorry venting also...

whatever i love cali.... either way ticket or no ticket... i love my car too much the only way their gonna stop me from cruisin around is if my car was in pieces :eh:

if you love your car man just keep riding.....


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2007
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So Cal
lol interesting story. Atleast you didnt have to get ur car to see the state ref. Ive been doing a lot of research and finding people saying they are smog nazi something. I have no clue what they mean by all that. Anyways. Since crankcase breather filters are illegal.. I will go ahead and put it back to stock. I just hope I pass the smog test. My car is at 180XXX but it is well maintained. Anyone looking for a 1999 Honda Accord? lol


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2007
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Waikiki, Hawaii
Here in Hawaii we this thing called "Recon" short for Vehicle Reconstruction Permit. Its like an inspection in which your mods has to be within legal DOT regulations. Most cars here dont have Recon because they cant pass, but i do have. But even though i am legit they cans still issue some BS tickets.

One of the things i have learned through experience is its better to be pulled over by a non-car enthusiast rather than a car enthusiast.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2008
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Parma, Ohio
Lol i'm sorry man. Cops ftl. Luckily cops around here don't really care about silly things like that. I've driven next to cops at night, tinted windows and all, with no license plate, subs pounding. They just rock you if you speed or break traffic laws.

Good luck. Sorry about your dumb cop experience.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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Orange County
well, to my personal opinion, if it just a hose connection and it not hard. i say just do it, and bring your car to the PD station in the city where you got your ticket at, and let them see that and they should let you go without problem, well, hope you get a woman cop to check you car lol, and office cop not the piss off one that going on the street to check you car.

I can understand how you feel, i also got a fix ticket a while back, that one I ASK FOR IT THOUGH lol

I put RED signal light in the front headlight, so it has like 2 freaking red eyes lol, so got a fix tix for that, then when i bring it to the PD station for then to see that i fix it. they say "oh your headlight is tinted (i spray tint the signal). so i had to go home borrow my friend's headlight and put it in my car bring it back to them. THEN they pass me. that **** up right. ya i know


nadeshiko fobz ftw..
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
just swap out the filter and reconnect the hose... easy as tht

and yeah, cali cops = pricks

also, dun teh popos need a valid reason to pull u over like a loud muffler or no plate? :thinking:

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