Parts talk/parts review section


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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East Bay, CA
Lol, see, it's effective. This is what the treads are like. If you don't like something, people will give you advice, etc.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2005
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IMO its not a bad idea to have a Parts talk/review section, becuase then you can just look on their for reviews of specific parts that aren't listed yet. And When I'm on other forums for like paintball, and I'm lookin up parts for my angel, I look up reviews before I buy anything. Thats what would make this most resourceful. But Its all the noobs that will come in and not take advantage of the search tool. So I dont know, its up to you Cody.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2005
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angelplus said:
IMO its not a bad idea to have a Parts talk/review section, becuase then you can just look on their for reviews of specific parts that aren't listed yet. And When I'm on other forums for like paintball, and I'm lookin up parts for my angel, I look up reviews before I buy anything. Thats what would make this most resourceful. But Its all the noobs that will come in and not take advantage of the search tool. So I dont know, its up to you Cody.

IMO this is the function of the engine and suspension forms.People post their new parts in their respe4ctive forums, they give reviews, people discuss. Once people realize that there is a search button on the forum itll be bascially the same thing. wanna know about a part? search it.

also if we have a part reviews forum, then the enigne and suspension forum proablaby wont be used anymore because reviewing or discussing parts is basically what tehose forums are all about. theyre arent used much in the first place. with a parts review forum we might as well not have them anymore because they wotn be used much.

Also with a review section people are gonna ahve to search regardless. SO lets keep this format, if it aint broke dont fix it.

I think we already have a good system for reviewing parts, people just need to learn how to search
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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East Bay, CA
I think you would be suprised how well the review section works. The parts talk is probably not a great idea on a small forum. Anyway, so i got a new strut bar and i was impressed. SO far, i've said in a thread that it was better than i thought, i like it. But my words wouldn't convince me of much. However, a very thorough review about everything from construction, fitment, how it actually works, ease of installation, etc and the price would be far more convincing. I'm going to be on the board either way, so if nobody wants it, i have no problem with it not being here. But, i think people might be suprised how much they like the section, assuming members write very comprehinsive reviews.