Amp paired with what sub?!


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2009
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So much hostility ryan... it makes me sad :sad:

I dont even really know what you are trying to say. Ported is much more efficient for this setup thats why I even brought it up. You own the rsd of course you are going to recommend it if you like it and I dont blame you, I tell everyone to get a Fi Q if they have the power for it.

I gave him a bunch more choices and told him to go research a bunch, which is what he really needs to be doing.

Dont freak out on here just because you dont like me because im some idiot whos running 1500 watts in 2.5 cubes getting insanely loud but im still dumb for spending $600 on equipment and filling a decent portion of the trunk I never use...

ryan s

they dont think it
Dec 27, 2005
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be like it is
that wasnt even a hostile post from me...i was just laying out the facts.

he wants to get a smaller box of just over a cubic foot. most ported designs require more space AND a better design than off-the-shelf boxes have. ive heard some terrible boxes from the likes of q logic and other big names, especially the ones where you could cap off the port to go sealed. (actually...theres one of those in my basement with a 12" poweracoustik in it with the same brand amp on the box...dont know where it came from :lawl: . too bad theyre not old school but made in china...)

my first "big stereo" was 2 12" audiobahns in a sealed 1 cu ft box (each side) running off 200w per channel and it was ridiculous. still running that amp bridged today. it was "i could hear you a block away" loud for some reason...

for the record, i dont have issues with many people and theres only a handful of people i "dislike" both online and in real life. youre not on that list. just remember that different people have different wants/needs, thats it. i dont like to give advice on stuff i dont i have experience with, so thats why i recommended the rsd or w3 or REs...well, i want an RE at least :lawl:


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2008
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Car stereos are a pretty personal preference because everyone has personal tastes. What one guy likes may be sub par or over the top to another. I know I'm guilty of pointing people to certain brands rather than direction but its hard.

Time to kiss and make up boys. :love:


Read the rules
Sep 5, 2005
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Alexandria, VA
my opinion for what it's worth is that while ported can be great (I've built 3) they aren't going to be convenient. I've also had sealed setups and would consider one again in a heartbeat if I ever needed to reclaim some trunk space. as it is, with a 2.5cuft box there isn't much trunk space left for me to use for everything else. and sealed can sound great too anyways.

if you don't want a big box, you go sealed. it's as simple as that. obviously not all ported boxes are 2.5cuft+, but you're not going to build a 1cuft ported box for a 10 or 12 and you can get away with a sealed box that small (or smaller) for some subs


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2008
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Oakley, CA
Hmm.. well thanks a bunch guys for the advice! (despite the heated argument?)
I think Ryan S gets where I'm coming from the most. I don't have that much money to spend, which is why I needed something within the price range. Also, trunk space played a huge factor due to the fact that I always carry around with me my guitar and two longboards. :hihi:

I'll consider all of this info and doing a bit more research before I go out and buy me a new sub/enclosure. Again, thanks all for the information and hopefully I didn't cause any hostility towards each other! :afro:


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2009
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I dont know that there was hostility or argument or whatever I just thought Ryan didnt like me :sad:

A ported box for a 10 can easily be about 1 cubic foot, especially with some polyfill sheets, plus port displacement so a little more gross volume in the trunk. If obtaining a good ported box, meaning make one or have someone make one for you to match the sub you pick, is too expensive or just not possible, which it really should be though, then sealed is your only option.

Like we've said with sealed you dont have a lot of options; the RSD wouldnt be a bad choice, I've just really never been a fan of phoenix gold but Ryan likes his and seems to have good taste in more sq oriented music.

Good luck with the hunting!

ryan s

they dont think it
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
be like it is
Hmm.. well thanks a bunch guys for the advice! (despite the heated argument?)
I think Ryan S gets where I'm coming from the most. I don't have that much money to spend, which is why I needed something within the price range. Also, trunk space played a huge factor due to the fact that I always carry around with me my guitar and two longboards. :hihi:

I'll consider all of this info and doing a bit more research before I go out and buy me a new sub/enclosure. Again, thanks all for the information and hopefully I didn't cause any hostility towards each other! :afro:
i think i have less than $1k into my stereo (with a lot of random stuff like 5 RCA cables that feed the XO and epicenter...that stuff adds up lol) i'm all about shopping around and looking for deals :lawl:
I dont know that there was hostility or argument or whatever I just thought Ryan didnt like me :sad:

A ported box for a 10 can easily be about 1 cubic foot, especially with some polyfill sheets, plus port displacement so a little more gross volume in the trunk. If obtaining a good ported box, meaning make one or have someone make one for you to match the sub you pick, is too expensive or just not possible, which it really should be though, then sealed is your only option.

Like we've said with sealed you dont have a lot of options; the RSD wouldnt be a bad choice, I've just really never been a fan of phoenix gold but Ryan likes his and seems to have good taste in more sq oriented music.

Good luck with the hunting!
if i didn't like you...youd know for SURE...there would be no doubt :lawl: thats not the case so its all good on my end, and i hope we can come to a truce since we're both in the same hobby :beer:
sealed i would've said si mag v4 but they discontinued that sub.
there is one for sale on DIYMA right now, i think...errr maybe it was in a testing waters thread cause i cant find it now.


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2008
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Oakley, CA

So I ended up getting the PGRSD12, for 55$ off of Amazon, I guess the price kept on dropping, but this seemed too good! I got the sub and bought a 1.25 cu. ft. enclosure from Frys Electronics. The enclosure is real nice, it has some great terminals, sealed well, and has polyfill in it! :rofl: Anyways, I got around to installing it with my brother a couple days ago and this thing is beautiful. It has SMOOOOTH & LOWWW bass and is very tight and clean at the same time. This is definitely an UPGRADE. Thanks for all the help guys. I wished I could take pics, but I haz no camera around right now. I'll update when I snap some pictures, but in the meantime I can link you to what I got. :leeann:



All of this for less than 100$ together.