Amp paired with what sub?!

ryan s

they dont think it
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
be like it is
he wants everyone to go to a 4 cu ft ported box, with a $1000 sub. in other words, take up the entire trunk, add 250lbs to the back of the vehicle, and have to upgrade your alternator in order to have a "proper" system.

just go and research the pg rsd on the net...the 12" version hangs with the idmax and other expensive subs. there used to be a comparison on DIYMA but i think its gone now...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2008
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Oakley, CA
he wants everyone to go to a 4 cu ft ported box, with a $1000 sub. in other words, take up the entire trunk, add 250lbs to the back of the vehicle, and have to upgrade your alternator in order to have a "proper" system.

just go and research the pg rsd on the net...the 12" version hangs with the idmax and other expensive subs. there used to be a comparison on DIYMA but i think its gone now...

I kinda figured after reading his threads.

All is goooood though. Thanks again. :hihi:


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2009
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A) no where near $1000
B) He wants an upgrade, and the phoenix isnt an upgrade, although it is decent at best...
C) Do some research OP instead of listening to the first sub a random person tells you to get. If we all did that we would all have random subs that dont fit what we want but rather are recommended by someone elses tastes in music...



Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2008
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Oakley, CA
Okay OneLoud00Accord, no hostility intended, but "just wow.." doesn't help me much when I ask a question.

I've done some research and Phoenix Gold has gotten some great reviews from what I've looked at. I'm still open to other subs, but ryan s was the only one to respond to my thread and was the most helpful in terms of assistance.

So what could YOU recommend my way to help answer my question?


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2009
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Well to be fair the sony xplod subs have gotten great reviews, a lot of people out there really dont know anything.

Well you want a sealed 12, id recommend a ported 10 or 12, its so much more efficient with how low of power you have. Then you want some lows and some sq, with the possibilty of being louder than your pioneers. Not a lot is out there to accomplish this goal with a decently paired power handling to that amp, especially with how low your budget seems.

Id love to talk you into ported but im sure that wont happen. In that case you dont have a lot of options...

kicker garbage, cvr most likely
the rsd
low end re
if you could possibly find an old fi x series in good condition that would be nice
Alpine type s or r, which I really dont care for
SSA dcon, an excellent choice
Fosgate p2 or p3

Now go research and pick what you like instead of just one sub to depend on. Bear in mind the only subs on this list I like are the Fi x and SSA dcon, with the rsd and p3 not being bad. Also, I didnt take the time to check the availability of these subs in single 4 ohm or dual 2 ohm, and there is still other stuff out there that was just a quick list.

Just wow... was basically a reference to how easily you were convinced on a single sub from one person without taking the time to go out and research on your own or wait for other opinions.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2008
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If you originally had 2 12s on 150w rms each (probly less if you metered it) and you are looking to upgrade to a single sub ... you have to understand that you won't be getting louder, but having a more efficient single sub that sounds much better musically. This is because you will have much less cone area, yet only need to drive a single motor.

I think it would be a good idea going ported vs. sealed because the efficiency is much higher with ported, provided it's in a good box. You generally need more power in a sealed box because the sub has to work harder due to the restricted air space. This doesn't mean you need a 4 cubic foot box either. Depending on the sub I would say 1.6 cu ft ported... perhaps smaller for a 10" woofer. Box dimensions change from subwoofers individual suspension designs, xmax and other factors.

Some good potential subs have already been mentioned. The prices can really change depending on who and where you buy from. For max efficiency I say get a Digital Designs 1508. YES this 8" woofer can do some damage! It will run you about $200 though. But thats full warranty and hand built in USA. Can't get better than that. Image Dynamics is a great choice. You might be able to find a decent W3 or W6 for cheap on the black market. Perhaps Elemental Designs or Orion? You just gotta search and find a sub with 300w rms or less and get a sub with the appropriate ohms. You seem REALLY budgeted so I don't want to overwhelm you with ideas. Upgrading that amp would do you a BIG favor. :lawl::beer:


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2009
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Thanks xx24xx for saying some other things I wanted to say without leaving a page long post lol. I wanted to recommend the 500 or 1500 series or even the audioque sd2.5 but those require ported designs...

ryan s

they dont think it
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
be like it is
A) no where near $1000
B) He wants an upgrade, and the phoenix isnt an upgrade, although it is decent at best...
C) Do some research OP instead of listening to the first sub a random person tells you to get. If we all did that we would all have random subs that dont fit what we want but rather are recommended by someone elses tastes in music...

have you ever owned an rsd? :coffee:

with a limited budget, what do you expect? you have to realize that some people (me included) dont spend all our money on one thing.

by the way...your opinions of subs are just as "random" as mine. its bull**** to discount someone's opinion by saying your opinion is right. just an fyi.
Well you want a sealed 12, id recommend a ported 10 or 12, its so much more efficient with how low of power you have. Then you want some lows and some sq, with the possibilty of being louder than your pioneers. Not a lot is out there to accomplish this goal with a decently paired power handling to that amp, especially with how low your budget seems.
the bold is why i find this discussion to be ridiculous. you say "i know you want sealed but id rather you get ported." i hope youre not in sales. "i know you have $500 for a laptop, but heres a better desktop for $1500. they have the same processor but the desktop is just sooooo much better."

the rsd came to mind because, like i said earlier, it sounds nice but also goes low. it matches to his amp. it matches his budget. it works well sealed or ported.

i mean...goddamn i hope people can figure out google these days. he asked for a recommendation...i gave him some choices in his price range and power availability along with my personal opinions/preferences AND experiences. what more is there besides some boring *** klippel tests and thiele/small parameters that only a few people know how to interpret, or care to interpret?

"whatever," right?