^Unless he was in the AIT group buy he bought one after the fact, I know some went on Ebay. There looks to be AIT coupe spoilers on there still, but no sedan. However, this one is close...
Fleenor, I got it from Ebay, ended up being about $180 after shipping
Ahh, I see. I like that one but hope it would be legit ya know?
Is yours like the one he posted above? ^^
Ahh, I see. I like that one but hope it would be legit ya know?
I mean it's legit in that it looks good and very similar to the authentic AIT roof spoiler. But it's not real CF like AIT's, it's FRP (fiberglass reinforced plastic), finished to look like CF. It says that in the ad.
Whereas the AIT spoilers were real CF, this is what he had. Below is a listing for a coupe one. Like I said I don't see any sedan ones, just the FRP version I posted.