Glad to see someone planing building this motor....
Ill prob be watching over this thread, and Ill help you with what I know.
If only you lived in Georgia, I would be there everyday to help you break down the motor.
Advice: DECIDE NOW, whether your going to go all motor, or supercharge.
Then get a hanes manual(Accord Bible)
Also everything you take off your car, clearly mark them. Any bolts put then in a bag(Trust me youll want to put them in a bag)
Also scourage a reputable machine shop(For machining, balancing crank, and to put your pistons and rods together), so you can just send off the block right when your ready.
If your going to build your motor, buy the stuff now.(Pistons, rods, Main Bearings, Rod Bearins, thrust washers, new oil pump, new water pump. And if your interested scourage a baffled oil pan(Will save your motor just in case if your planning to AUTOX).