the guy on HT had all the parts laying around he had the head off his lude that the motor was junk on so he did it all for relitivly cheap i think the most expensive part of the project was the dyno tuning. so if you have the parts i wouldnt be bad but u deffinetly have to know what ur doing. the engine puts out alot buts its kinda ghetto rig and i dunnno if i would trust it to much dont think the realiablity is still there
the guy on HT had all the parts laying around he had the head off his lude that the motor was junk on so he did it all for relitivly cheap i think the most expensive part of the project was the dyno tuning. so if you have the parts i wouldnt be bad but u deffinetly have to know what ur doing. the engine puts out alot buts its kinda ghetto rig and i dunnno if i would trust it to much dont think the realiablity is still there