he's running a D5 4 channel amp, but then again it has a rip in the sub. he bought it and didn't see it till last month. i think if he changes to my sub it'll sound better. i'll either sell him my sub or just let him borrow it, cuz he wanted to change to a IDQ12 or even a MAX12, cuz one of your friend's got a good deal on the MAX's so he got 2 of them, so he can resell one. the eD 6500 are a pretty good bang for the buck. i was talking to my friend earlier and he told me to screw the rainbows and go for some seas lotus speakers. any thoughts about the seas lotus speakers??? i haven't heard his set up yet but he said it sounds great with the audison LRx 300.4, and he said that the arc amp was the best but he didnt want to buy another arc amp, he rather sell it and use the LRx, he's trying to look around for a good priced helix amp.