Snail Spools You!
Me too, it said the server was to busy.
did we switch pver last noght?
i got a server issue page last night
At Midnight eastern, (which is the main reason I'm trashing this server), MySQL was doing it's backups, and it just stalls the process, so it returns server errors. You'll get them from about 12:00-12:10/15AM.
And again at 1AM, it backs up the actual web directories.
Haven't switched it over yet, getting there.
I don't understand why me for president but okay!! I'll accept Stoner for pres and I'll take VP lolI for one am glad there are people who know how to do these things! I haven't messed around with any type of operating system / linux since I think 1997when my buddies and I would infect one another with back doors trojans and all those easy to use virus's.
RaVaGeSpeed for president!!!