No, the Arista II and .EDU are different, and to my knowledge is made in England by Kentmere exclusively for Freestyle Photo while the .EDU is made in Hungary.
I believe it was developed with Arista 76 developer, whatever the Arista equivalent to Kodak D-76 is. I know the holes in the print are on the paper itself and not the film.
and i know this because i have a box of foma 400 sitting here and it has all sorts of crazy writing on it
when i make my next film order, im getting a little bit of everything...some arista, going to try kentmere, have to get a tri-x roll...also going to try tmax in my dd-x developer cause i like the results ive seen...
If I ever get into developing again, i'd like to try a different paper... the arista stuff has gorgeous contrast, but the darkest of the black appear a little gray, kinda like old LCDs.