Really appreciate the compliments! Exclusive is going to be printing a lot of my work to hang up in the offices at our shop, can't wait to see them blown up and framed.I give up
Looks awesome as usual Raymond. Really like the play on colors there. Location plays a big role in how you showcase these cars and from all I've seen you take them to awesome ones. Anyone can take a picture but not everyone can do photography. Keep it up man this **** is more than wallpaper worthy its framed above mantel worthy!
thank you sirawesome photos ray
Thanks! I was ecstatic about how well the car matched the location.For location alone, these are probably your best yet, Ray.
Thank you!Agree that location is perfect for that car, good pick. Very engaging composition to look at.
I admire that, being able to combine two great loves into one job, and doing that as a career must be totally amazing. That’s just not a point a lot of people get to. And you are driving/photographing some serious high profile cars. How did you get into Worldwide Motoring? Just kept working for different companies, and your work got noticed and you could work your way up?
Also, do you have certain spots you go to? Or does the owner of the car specify where they want the photos taken? Or do you just drive around looking for somewhere interesting?
Oh and I feel I need to clarify, this was the shot I mentioned.The DB9 is one of my all time favorites.