ryan s
they dont think it
i didn't pursue putting another tweeter in the stock locations after hearing the stock ones for a weekI thought I was the only one
Also I have noticed that the stock locations in an Accord/TL type car are not as bad as you would think. The secret seems to be either you are listening to ALL reflected or as much direct as possible. Having both will murderize your image and cause all kinds of comb filtering.
Ryan ... if you mounted your tweets in the sail panels of a 6gth Gen, how did you avoid the huge reflection off of the jutting dash on the pasengers side ? When I tried it, I got 2 center images - one in the middle and the other right above the latch for the glove box.

my tweeters are actually mounted to the mids for the time being. i've been thinking about moving them to the sail panels, but the path lengths are just so far apart. the coaxial mounting only brings the stage height to about the sail panels...the only downside.
i never messed with the sail panels since i'm going to play with the A-pillars and 3" mids, full range

one thing to be careful of is mixing and matching components while using the passive crossover. the crossover was designed to use midbass X with tweeter Y.Ryan,
Thanks for all the info, you really know your car audio!
Is it overall worth upgrading the tweeters in your opinion? (do you really HEAR a difference)?
also when you say "reverse the polarity of the tweeters on the 6.5 in the door" what exactly do you mean?
The main reason why i was considering the upgrade is that well, its only like $50 for some rockford ones with crossovers, and it will allow that ugly cover that sits there now more clean with a new tweeter there. I was thinking i could mount it in the same location with the cover showing to make it appear clean and nice....
you can tell tweeters apart, yes. depends on your reason for changing them. the rockfords might be worse then the IDs, i don't know.
reversing the polarity of the driver's tweeter means the speaker will be "pulling in" instead of "pushing out." you just hook the + speaker wire to the - on the crossover and vise versa for the - speaker wire. you do this to attenuate the closest speaker.
if you mount them in the sail panels, think about how close that would be to your head on the driver's side, and how far away it is on the passenger side. the passenger side needs to "play louder" for the sound waves to hit your ears the same time as the driver's side. inversely, make the driver's side quieter.
what cover are your speaking of?