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  • falken 912's and i have alot of meet but mad camber wear. lol!!! like i wouldnt trust these tires cause of them being bald. i just relized what it was from. i got stuck coming in my driveway last night and that tire was spinning. -__- i put wood down and turned the wheel to get traction -__
    bubbled up from flipping the tires. the sidewall is what was ripped. i probably ripped it angling into my driveway too hardcore last night or something.
    Yea front end feels tighter. I was an idiot and didn't take off the Neuspeed first, and trying to get this bar in wasn't happening. As soon as I took of the Neuspeed, went right in. I was kicking myself. A couple of those clips were annoying as hell though, lol.

    I did bend my fuel line a little, just to make more room. Hopefully that didn't hurt anything.
    vLol, comment on our own wall, did we? I did that not too long ago, haha.

    I haven't had a chance to really test for a difference, I'm going to take a route home tonight from work that will allow me to do so. But I do seem to notice that turn in is a little quicker/crisper. Something definitely feels different than before, just trying to put my finger on what it is.
    Got the strut bar Sunday, but been slammed at work all week, and heading home tomorrow for my brother's wedding and I'll be there until Sunday. It's just sitting in the box and it's killin me, haha. Can't wait though!
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