Save the manuals
I had an FM transmitter for a while, it was a good one...and the sound was never what it should have been. Hardline is the way to go if you can...and if you're still living in 1995, like me.
Only problem with that is your car can become a target for theft, unless your windows are super dark or something. And the lighting on the deck and buttons, etc won't match the rest of the interior (if you're anal like me and care lol). I had one in my previous car though, and I loved having a unit that could read MP3 cd's.
Really? People still do that ish? Thats's why when you park somewhere that you don't fêl comfortable in, just take the faceplate off. Who's gonna steal a headunit with no faceplate? lol
someone broke into my friends car, and get this, stole just the face plate