This cruise is worth just meeting the people who go. (and to Hear Andy's TL in a tunnel

really looking forward to it again.
I'll be 4x4 this year, sold my suspension to help pay school costs and a timing belt job.
If I play my cards right, and things go smooth - you might be able to pick up my suspension for dirt cheap... like the free kind.
I haven't choosen yet to buy a dedicated track car, or if I want to over-haul the engine and suspension on the accord this year. We will see... April is still 3 months away.
I though about possibly organizing a track day on Saturday as opposed to the cruise, but that would probably be crazy expensive (track day costs can range from $200 up to $400 per person depending upon how many people commit).
Track days are not normally that expensive - but then again that depends on the type of track, and the type of event. We run full-day events at tracks like Mosport International and it costs approx $250 per person. When we get about 60 people that pays for everything... EMS, Marshalls, Flaggers. At our local track it is $120 per person. It depends on the cost of the track.
As for RUNNING a track event - well that is something totally different. If you want to go lapping, or an auto-x style event - it really make a huge difference on the kind of equipment and staff that you would need. (Minimun... Everyone needs helmets, and you need enough instructors to help people learn how to drive on a track to keep the event safe).
I know a thing or two about running events up here in Canada. At our shop - we run an orginaise two FIA/ASN Canada approved Road-Race Schools, run a weekly Lapping Club and run a 4 - 5 round Time Attack series... as well as major track days. I've learned from the best - and I'd be happy to help you guys out if I can.
wow, a track day would be amazing, since i dont really know the "potential" of my/our cars haha
looking forward to this
Its no civic, but if you take out enough weight, put a high quality suspension, some sticky tires, and good brakes... and you can have lots of fun!
My only problem right now is typically the Open House for our store is on June 5th (the reason I didn't come last year)