Honduh is going down 2/28/06


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2005
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Mesa, AZ
cdubb77 said:
Well, I'll still post there and see how it goes. It seems that Iobidder wasn't always like that though. I know him & I share the Yankee love but recently he's been kinda tough on people.
he might have some **** going on and he takes it out on line, but I respect the guy either way. but I do agree, he is good at nipping **** in the bud when it comes to flame wars.


Resident ***hole
Dec 16, 2005
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i wonder if he reads on here somtimes...

oh well

skabone - sorry about the engine deal, i cannot get a hold of my uncle to pick it up


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2005
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Mesa, AZ
BadgerType said:
i wonder if he reads on here somtimes...

oh well

skabone - sorry about the engine deal, i cannot get a hold of my uncle to pick it up
I doubt it. he's a 7th gen guy, he's proably too busy with BMWimports, and everything-honda/honduh.

no sweat, I'll just have the shop dispose of it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2005
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hey look at the brightside guys, its more power for those morons who have no dicks, no chicks, and no lives. So let them look powerful on the internet all they want. Whoopie there goes a site with 1,000's upon 1,000's of information on a **** load of cars, and it goes in the toilet?

Well this is how I see it in my opinion. More members flocking other places such as our site. Maybe at this new site you guys need to draw the good guys away and have them join our forum so we can get away from the other generations. So by segregating everyone would leave us with out a ****head admin like Iobidder.



Read the rules
Sep 5, 2005
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Alexandria, VA
eh let's not get carried away, Iobidder isn't that bad at all, and e-h/honduh is far from being a trash hole imo

FLiP wiT da FLo

Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2005
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Bergen County, NJ
honduhs back open? wtf? i'm confused............ 6thgenaccord will be the next honduh, everything-honda will probably be more like a Honda-acura.net kinda thing. That was kinda funny when i read that 5thgenaccord got banned for saying they have a lawnmower section lol.. kinda stupid he got banned for that, but can't he get un-banned from honduh?


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
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Greetings gentlemen,
I appriciate all of the comments left about iobidder, in terms of him being an ***. Quite frankly, I see where you are coming from, and how it appears that he is being an outright dick, but in the bigger grand scheme of things, it has all been justified, and he and I always talk before something 'goes down' and I happen to agree with him. I in no way shape or form mean to piss anyone off, so here goes. When you are admin/modding a site with a bunch of kids, especially when it's on the internet, there is more crap to deal with than actually dealing with the kids themselves.

In regards to the mod we demoted....well, to be honest, I did not like the tone of his smart *** comments, and like I said before, all he had to do was ask and it would have been taken care of. I spent so many hours each day for about two weeks migrating honduh, working on the new site, etc, that there were some things that were overlooked. It happens, I'm not perfect, and to see that kind of comment, really pissed me off, as well as iobidder, and we squashed it. That is unfortunately how you deal with younger people on the internet. If crap like that happened all the time, there would be nothing but chaos.

Just to also clear some things up that may or may not be obvious, iobidder and I run everything we do by each other, as a checks and balance program, and 97% of the time, we run it by another high ranking official just to make sure we aren't on crack, then we implement. Most of the time, iobidder is the PR guy, while I am the guy in the background doing things. He and I are just as involved, he just is out in the publics eye more.

I also don't appriciate the comment along the lines of "not having a life, no girlfriend etc" or whatever the statement was. Honestly, it boils down like this. If there were not the few people who care to run a site for others, Wildman knows what I am talking about, then who would run the forums.....not most of the users could do it, so those who have the knowledge and resources do it. Not to mention that we suck up a little time in our lives, and money, so that the community can continue to live, through all of the BS that has gone on. If that is not dedication, then I dunno what to tell you.

The last thing that I want to say before my boring day of meetings today is to just reemphazie the fact that in regards to honduh, iobidder and I took things into our own hands, thanks to a lot of the BS and drama that we have delt with over two years, and that I have been dealing with way way back in the HS days. I tired of it. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself, and if people can't understand that, then hey great, but if they do, awesome. BTW, the issue between sonic & iobbider/98exl have been settled and figured out, read the posts there if you care.

Oh, if anyone has any questions, everyone knows how to reach me....


Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2005
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98EXL said:
Greetings gentlemen,

In regards to the mod we demoted....well, to be honest, I did not like the tone of his smart *** comments. That is unfortunately how you deal with younger people on the internet.

Kids huh, he's 24/25, not 19.


Superman, uh mod
Sep 7, 2005
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Bergen County, NJ
Well, I'm glad to hear things are working out and settled over at Honduh.
As far as over here, We try to keep things open and freely spoken to a certain extent. As long as everyone agrees to respect everyone else things will be ok. But of course, you do get some morons (On every board) that's a complete A$$hole and those people are delt with (As Bill Clinton once said) Swift and Severe.
People (especially on the net) have to understand you should only respond to a person the way you want them to respond to you. That goes for Members, Mods, and Admins. If something can't be rectified in public, that's what PM's are for. And if that doesn't work then just agree to disagree. I believe even when modding people who act like kids, you still have to be mature about the situation. When you respond to a childish/immature post with a childish/immature remark it only fuels a fire and makes things worse than they should be. But hey, that's my opinion.
But I must say, I've never seen that much drama on one board before within one year :eek:
I mean, yeah we've had our drama over here. Well at least I did with goldmember, but that has been taken care of. As a matter of fact, I think that's the onyl drama we've experienced here. I might be wrong though
But anyway. Good luck with Honduh. I kind of enjoyed the site and I hope everything works out.
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Read the rules
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Alexandria, VA

Glad to see you chime in man. I don't spend a whole lot of time on other boards just b/c of schoolwork, but I definitely appreciate what you and Io and Jeff and everyone else have worked together to do to Honduh and try and keep it going, without someone on the outside interjecting every now and then just to **** things up. Anyone who's spent any time on Honduh knows what a pain in the *** the situation was getting to be, and you guys were the ones who decided to make some sacrifices to step up and deal with the issue.

That said, you guys have also seem to do a good job moderating the forums on both boards. The only exception to that that I've seen was banning 5thgen. Granted he made have made a smartass remark, but like you said, that comes with the territory and sometimes you just have to expect an occasional smartass comment. I think he just had the misfortune of making such a comment when you and Io and everyone else was dealing with other **** and didn't have the patience for it.

We've been pretty lucky on this board, we haven't really had too many troublemakers, and I think we've only banned one person. But you can't always work things out by talking, and sometimes some prick just needs the banstick.

As for the 5thgen thing, while I and others may disagree it's not our place to say, it didn't even happen on this forum, and with everything you guys have done for the community at Honduh the last thing I'd want to do is try and tell you how to do your job.