Well-Known Member
this is my slammed civic, im about to trade it for another 6th gen tho.

what..? can't say I've ever thought of looking into this kinda stuff. I'm curious now, you have any specific sites you like for that kinda info lemmy?
this is my slammed civic, im about to trade it for another 6th gen tho.finally!
lol i seeee haha but shoot im sure whateva ya next car is will be just as great.. and are those wheels 16x8.5 or by 8
Some sweet cars in your post truwarier!!!! What city is that where the s2k is driving on interstate?
Oh and I never understood why people with such nice cars wash them at places like that. Just ruins the paint
Thanks! I have 3500+ car pictures saved on my HD haha. As for the s2k, it has Washington plates and I'm guessing it's in Seattle?