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Which wire stops the LED from blinking when it's unlocked? Right now, my LED is on all the time, even when unlocked and driving.
I have a question about the trunk release
Which of these whote/red wire is trunk release
Ive lost the key fob and have no way of finding which is + and -
I dont want it so that when its hooked up on the wrong wire it could potentially fry something
not sure if our car has the same wiring or not but what your looking for is a wire that when 12v is applied, it will pop the trunk.
quick way to find out? apply 12v to the wire and see if it pops
right way? use a multimeter with the key fob but since you do not have this then
Alternative way? remove the door sill and match the red/white wire going to the back. There should be only 1 red/white going back (IIRC) and that will be the trunk wire.
i recommend a relay for trunkpop
Which relay would you recommend for the trunk pop?
If i apply 12v, which would be my ground? The chassis?
Will using a 12v battery(those duracell ones) be safe and not fry anything?
One that is like such
definitely get a bosch if you can. Or a rebranded bosch.