Made it home not too long ago. Had a great time. It was good to meet everyone. Definitely need either a spring meet or a bigger turn out for the fall meet next year.
This was a great meet. Had a good time. I'm sure Jon will have some great pics for us. It was great to meet up with everybody. Cruising to breakfast this morning was probably one of my favorite parts. Sunny and beautiful! Looking forward to the next get together. But should definately do another 6GA meet in the future. That includes you Eric! Hope every body made it home safe. I'll try to post up some pics when I get time.
I really had a blast. Being the volunteer Navigator was fun. A little challenging but fun. By the time the next meet comes around, who knows, I may not be lowered. Then who will we send to scout routes and rock climb?
Glad everyone made it home alright, I got home 11pm my time. I had a bit of a scare when I stopped for gas 40 miles from home, car wouldn't start. After a few tries it did, inexplicably. So I gotta find out what's going on with that.
Pic of Mike with the sign is great lol. Love the photos so far, Jon. I have to be honest, the pic with our front wheels is my fave.
^Oh yeah I meant to ask you, I thought on the way there you had that mod done, but then on the way back your top triangles were on? Did something change during the meet or am I imagining things lol.