there is not a lot that i truly "hate" as far as car mods go.
yes, i have a cf lip, and a cf has goor, and would like a cf hood and trunk, and covered roof. however, anyone that says that cf is for weight reduction, is lying.
id sooner spend 400 on a CF hood, and another few undred on a CF trunk, then get the whole car painted. personally, i think CF is a really interesting texture, and if its done properly, and with high quality resin, it can stay looking great for years. i just like the look, its cool, it looks "jdm tyte" and thats just me.
yea, i personally hate altezzas and neons and projector headlights with angel eyes... but just cause i dont want it on my car, doesnt mean i would care if someone else did it.
the only thing that really bothers me about modding, is when people do mods that obviously cost a decent amount of money, or time, and have gained nothing for it.
for instance: when people with an engine with an intake, header and maybe some spark wires feel they need the big honking muffler or catback, welded on to stock piping or a cat... it doesnt net any power, and the car doesnt "breath" any better. if you admit, hey, i just like to sound loud and faster than i am, thats cool with me.
when people ask me, why i have a 4.5 inch tipped muffler, and 3 inch strait through piping and no cat, i say, well, first of all, my car has a turbo, and yes, it needs to breath much more efficiently, and secondly, because it sounds freakin awesome! if it makes you happy, hell, im not gonna argue with ya about it!
lots of people always talk **** about how "oh this car doesnt need a BBK or harnesses or a roll bar..." like the track is th eonly place these are useful... if every car had giant massive porsche brakes, and tubular steel reinforced chassis, wed all be a lot safer on the road. if someone has a legitimate, professionally installed safety device in their car, MORE POWER TO THEM. i for one, am very embarassed when i meet with other tuners, and can only say that the best safety device i have is a fire extinguisher, and good tires.
i badly, BADLY, need new brakes on my car, and i need better seats, a roll bar, and a harness. the fact is, when you mod a car like we do, your going to drive it like your on a track, and anyone that denies this is just lying to themselves. i drive my car under the speed limit of surface roads, but have been known to take corners fast, and probably drive more recklessly than i should. for that, i should be using much more safety equipment.
all in all, my main issue with the tuning community, is the fact that next to nobody does anything related to safety. i doubt that even 5% of the people here with lowered cars, or slammed suspension have done anything to reinforce the working parts of the steering mechanisms, or the brakes, or the other suspension components. these cars are not meant to be slammed to the ground to the point of wheel tucking, tire rubbing and bottoming out. also, if you think that your CV axles are going to maintain their effectiveness after being at such a crazy angle, your dead wrong. ive destroyed an axle once, and recently, due to suspension issues from lowering, and inproper safety precausions, i lost all my front brakes going 75 on the highway in peak hours, because my axle decided to burn a hole through a brake line. that easily could have ended my life, as well as many other drivers, because i failed to take into account what i was putting added strain on, due to a simple mod to suspension.
just something to think about guys. i could care less if you have an evo stylez body kit, or a 2fast2furious replica spoiler. so long as your car is 100% safe, and that everything is attached right, and wont fly off in traffic, i dont care what you do. just keep it SAFE.